Indigenous way of life proved to be symbiotic with nature

We nurture initiatives that reconnect humans with indigenous wisdom: "The Earth and myself are of one mind".

Eco-centric instead of Ego-centric.

We support and empower indigenous women and teenagers in rediscovering permaculture, music, dance, and environmental education while equipping them with small business skills.

We believe that the trauma of control can be healed through dance and connection to Earth in a spiritual way. This way we only can learn from indigenous people.

We explore indigenous ways of being, symbiotic with nature.


Greenhouse is not just an organization; it moves towards a community of self aware individuals, committed to personal growth and developing eco conciousness together.

By embracing indigenous ethics as a way to connect, re-remember, and inspire—together, we can build a healthier, more sustainable world.

Greenhouse NPO's registration number is 081-983-NPO, registered 29/07/2010.
Indigenous people have learned over thousands of years how to live in balance with nature. We need to learn from them if we are to survive.
~ Jane Goodall
Our projects are transformative and musical endevours that aim to honor ourselves,
each other and the Earth the way we learnt from indigenous people
  • image alt
    Vrygrond, Muizenberg, Cape Town, South Africa
    2024 - now
    In the township, we witness alarming trends of teenage violence and abuse of single mothers, together with the lack of safe spaces, where they can grow, nurture and engage with land, music, movement and their own indigeneity.
    GreenGround is a support center with focus on vertical gardens, environmental education, African instrument making, and permaculture, while providing a communal space for cultural gatherings and African music.
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    Cape Town, South Africa
    13-15 December 2025
    Movement as a way of life, as transformation ritual that heals, inspires, rejuvenates. Exploring ecstatic dance, contact improve, somatic balancing and tribal rituals around the fire - all of it stems from the indigenous community practices, the sources of ecstasy untapped.
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    Windhoek - Caprivi Strip - San People
    2-16 April 2026
    Expedition into Indigenous way of life. Embark with us on a journey to Northern Namibia to live with the last indigenous San communities.
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    Past Projects
    2010 -2019
    2010 FIFA Worldcup - Water Stations
    2011 World Water Day
    2013 Grey Water system set up in Khaelitcha
    2014-2018 Genius of Space - community owned and managed garden
Indigenous Permaculture
Why permaculture is intrinsically indigenous?
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"The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it."

~ Robert Swan

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